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Two ships collide at Ctg port’s outer anchorage

Two bulk ships were slightly damaged following a collision at the outer anchorage of Chattogram port this afternoon.
Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) Secretary Md Omar Faruk said a Panama flagged bulk career MV NAVIOS CELESTIAL carrying 44000 tonnes of DAP fertiliser dragged her anchor and collided with another anchored bulk carrier MV FRIENDLY ISLANDS in the Alpha Anchorage area of the outer anchorage around 2:00pm.
The later was carrying 27000 tonnes of lentil.
Both the ships had some minor structural damages but no causality, water ingression or pollution reported, said Faruk.
A probe committee will be formed to identify the reason, he added.
Both the ships shifted anchor position and are safely anchored now, said the CPA official.
Local agents, P&I clubs of both the ships were already engaged for the compensation and settling the issue, he added.
